
Outside of teaching, I spend a lot of my time writing or working on other creative projects. I'm currently in the process of writing an interactive novel to be published by Fabled Lands LLP in 20-whenever-I-finish-it. Here, my sister caught me unawares while I was working on the novel.

I also enjoy spending time with family. My mother owns and runs a small store that sells organic cotton bedding, mattresses, clothes and baby clothes. Here's my younger sister and I helping her out at an event.

And here's me with both my sisters, during one of the rare occasions when we manage to all be on the same continent at the same time, visiting the old bookstore that we grew up shopping in.

When I can find time to spend with friends, I often rope them into my creative projects as well. Here's a friend and I presenting a board game we designed to an experienced designer and hearing his critique.

Last but not least, here's one photograph of me at the age when I first dreamed up the idea of being a teacher someday and changing the world.